Woodford Litigation Registration

Please register your interest by entering a few basic details below. We will contact you soon afterwards about next steps.

The registration must be for the person in whose name the investment is/was held. If your spouse, partner, or other family member held an investment in their own name, then a separate registration should be submitted, entering a different email address.

(If the other investor does not have their own email address, please contact sharonbryan@woodfordlitigation.com )

Even if you’ve been awarded redress via the Link Scheme, and/or even if you were previously registered with another firm for an action against Link, as long as you invested in the WEIF through Hargreaves Lansdown you can use the form below to register with RGL to make a claim.

Register Your Details

Woodford Litigation
Enter Email
Confirm Email
Please use the following Date format - DD/MM/YYYY
Please confirm that you invested in the WEIF via Hargreaves Lansdown. *
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