Questionnaire – Sale of units - Woodford Litigation

Questionnaire - Sale of units

Private & Confidential and Subject to Legal Privilege

Claim against Hargreaves Lansdown (HL) relating to the Woodford Equity Income Fund (WEIF) – Sale of units in the WEIF prior to June 2019
* indicates a mandatory question

Please note: This questionnaire needs to be completed in one sitting; it cannot be saved part way through for completion at a later date. However, while completing it, you can go back to correct or add to previous sections.
When you reach the end, it is essential that you click the button which reads ”Submit”.

Sale of Units Questionnaire

Your details

Sale of units questions

Did you sell any of your WEIF units prior to 3rd June 2019? Please select one of the following.
When did you sell your WEIF units?
Thank you for completing this questionnaire. It is essential that you press the Submit button to upload your answers. You will receive an email confirming the upload.