The spectacular demise of the Woodford Equity Income Fund (WEIF) in 2019 has left investors short of billions of pounds. RGL Management has already filed an initial tranche of claims in The High Court on behalf of thousands of investors who suffered significant losses as a result of the WEIF’s collapse.

The RGL legal team has commenced proceedings against Hargreaves Lansdown, the UK-based investment platform, for continuing to recommend investing in the Woodford fund even though it appears they knew of liquidity issues in the WEIF from (at the latest) November 2017.

RGL’s claims can still be brought against Hargreaves Lansdown, even though the Court approval of Link’s proposed Scheme of Arrangement means that claims can no longer be made against Link, its parent or associated companies, or the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS).

Even having received your share of the Link Scheme compensation, the legal claim for losses against Hargreaves Lansdown may still be very significant.

RGL’s Group Action against Hargreaves Lansdown is now the only claim seeking full recovery of losses for Woodford investors.

There is still time to join the action if you lost money due to the collapse of the WEIF – as long as you invested via Hargreaves Lansdown. Register your interest to join the case here.

Key benefits:

– Nothing to pay until claim is successful;

– Success fee (25% inc VAT) – deducted only on success;

– No risk – claimants are fully insured by RGL;

– Proceedings already issued for thousands of claimants;

– A further cohort of claimants is currently being prepared.

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Who is eligible to claim?

Anyone who invested ‘directly’* in the Equity Income Fund via Hargreaves Lansdown.

  • Including anyone awarded redress via the ‘Link Scheme’
  • Including anyone previously registered with another firm against Link


The legal claim for losses against Hargreaves Lansdown may still be very significant. The assessment of the Link Scheme compensation by the FCA has been on the limited basis of its conclusions.  The legal claims in Court against Hargreaves Lansdown will be for losses suffered over a longer period than the FCA’s assessment period and for different types of losses – for example, the loss of opportunity of investing in alternative funds had you been told earlier about the problems with the WEIF.

Some investors may believe their case is not worth pursuing due to only investing a small amount. Rest assured, all claims are being looked at and assessed, regardless of the amount, when building the legal action.

* We are not able to make a claim on your behalf if your only investment in the WEIF was of an ‘indirect’ nature i.e. it was through a vehicle such as the Hargreaves Lansdown Multi Manager/Portfolio Fund, that was itself invested in the WEIF. If in doubt, please email

What compensation am I entitled to?

Investors could be entitled to legal damages in respect of losses suffered after the Woodford Fund, managed by Neil Woodford, was suspended in June 2019 and subsequently wound up. These developments prevented investors from withdrawing their funds, resulting in billions of pounds of losses.

There will be claims for losses sustained directly as a result of the collapse of the Woodford Fund and also for “loss of opportunity” losses, suffered through missing out on alternative investments that, in stark contrast to the Woodford Fund, would have generated returns.

How do I register my interest?

If you believe you have a valid claim and are entitled to Woodford compensation – regardless of the amount – and you wish to know more, please visit our registration page and enter your details.

There is no cost or financial risk involved in registering and pursuing legal action through RGL. Legal costs will be paid on behalf of claimants. Should the claims not be successful, the defendant’s costs will be covered by insurance and will not be payable by the claimants.

Completing the Woodford Litigation registration form takes less than 5 minutes. Alternatively, you can email or call 01584 778044.

What is RGL investigating?

RGL and its legal team firmly believe investors in the Woodford Equity Income Fund (WEIF) who invested through the Hargreaves Lansdown platform are entitled to compensation as a result of the demise of the WEIF.

Discover more about what we are investigating and why here.

Will I recover my investment in the Woodford Fund?

RGL’s goal is to ensure those who invested in the Woodford Fund via Hargreaves Lansdown recover the compensation they deserve.

The views of a highly eminent KC from top chambers, One Essex Court, have been sought and the counsel’s conclusions are very promising from the perspective of investors. Legal causes of action of real substantive merit are available that, if proven, would entitle a reimbursement of losses suffered.

Teaming up with commercial litigation solicitors, Wallace LLP, a significant amount of work has been undertaken to assess the potential range of claims and compensation available to WEIF investors. This includes a legal analysis of the information provided to investors in the WEIF through Hargreaves Lansdown’s Wealth 50 and, its precursor, the Wealth 150.

As a result of this work, the first claims have already been filed in Court.

Why choose RGL when seeking Woodford Compensation?

Pursuing legal action against large, well-financed businesses and corporations on your own is extremely difficult, time consuming and expensive.

RGL brings people together to pool resources, knowledge, and claims, so that real, impactful results can be achieved.

We at RGL Management are litigation specialists, with extensive expertise in law, investment banking, corporate operational management, and claimant communication.

Learn more about us here.

Register for Woodford Legal Action
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